Online Media

Online Media

Displaying 2351 - 2375 of 2415

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Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
02/28/11 Godhead - Monday Night - Second Negative Roger Perkins Debate Reeves / Perkins Debate on Godhead Debates 04_Perkins_Third_Neg_Monday_Godhead.mp3
11/12/10 Election - Friday Night - Third Affirmative Stephen Garrett Debate Reeves / Garrett Debate on Election Debates 13_Garrett_3_Aff.mp3
11/12/10 Election - Friday Night - Third Negative Bruce Reeves Debate Reeves / Garrett Debate on Election Debates 14_Reeves_3_Neg.mp3
11/12/10 Election - Friday Night - Fourth Affirmative Stephen Garrett Debate Reeves / Garrett Debate on Election Debates 15_Garrett_4_Aff.mp3
11/12/10 Election - Friday Night - Fourth Negative Bruce Reeves Debate Reeves / Garrett Debate on Election Debates 16_Reeves_4_Neg.mp3
11/11/10 Election - Thursday Night - First Affirmative Stephen Garrett Debate Reeves / Garrett Debate on Election Debates 09_Garrett_1_Aff.mp3
11/11/10 Election - Thursday Night - First Negative Bruce Reeves Debate Reeves / Garrett Debate on Election Debates 10_Reeves_1_Neg.mp3
11/11/10 Election - Thursday Night - Second Affirmative Stephen Garrett Debate Reeves / Garrett Debate on Election Debates 11_Garrett_2_Aff.mp3
11/11/10 Election - Thursday Night - Second Negative Bruce Reeves Debate Reeves / Garrett Debate on Election Debates 12_Reeves_2_Neg.mp3
11/09/10 Election - Tuesday Night - Third Affirmative Bruce Reeves Debate Reeves / Garrett Debate on Election Debates 05_Reeves_3_Aff.mp3
11/09/10 Election - Tuesday Night - Third Negative Stephen Garrett Debate Reeves / Garrett Debate on Election Debates 06_Garrett_3_Neg.mp3
11/09/10 Election - Tuesday Night - Fourth Affirmative Bruce Reeves Debate Reeves / Garrett Debate on Election Debates 07_Reeves_4_Aff.mp3
11/09/10 Election - Tuesday Night - Fourth Negative Stephen Garrett Debate Reeves / Garrett Debate on Election Debates 08_Garrett_4_Neg.mp3
11/08/10 Election - Monday Night - First Affirmative Bruce Reeves Debate Reeves / Garrett Debate on Election Debates 01_Reeves_First_Aff.mp3
11/08/10 Election - Monday Night - First Negative Stephen Garrett Debate Reeves / Garrett Debate on Election Debates 02_Garrett_First_Negative.mp3
11/08/10 Election - Monday Night - Second Affirmative Bruce Reeves Debate Reeves / Garrett Debate on Election Debates 03_Reeves_Second_Aff.mp3
11/08/10 Election - Monday Night - Second Negative Stephen Garrett Debate Reeves / Garrett Debate on Election Debates 04_Garrett_Second_Neg.mp3
10/10/08 Baptismal Formula - Friday Night - First Affirmative Bruce Reeves Debate Reeves / Weatherly Debate on Baptismal Formula Debates 13_Reeves_1Aff_Bapt_Form.mp3
10/10/08 Baptismal Formula - Friday Night - First Negative Jason Weatherly Debate Reeves / Weatherly Debate on Baptismal Formula Debates 14_Weatherly_1_Neg_Bapt_Form.mp3
10/10/08 Baptismal Formula - Friday Night - Second Affirmative Bruce Reeves Debate Reeves / Weatherly Debate on Baptismal Formula Debates 15_Reeves_2_Aff_Bapt_Form.mp3
10/10/08 Baptismal Formula - Friday Night - Second Negative Jason Weatherly Debate Reeves / Weatherly Debate on Baptismal Formula Debates 16_Weatherly_2_Neg_Bapt_Form.mp3
10/09/08 Baptismal Formula - Thursday Night - First Affirmative Jason Weatherly Debate Reeves / Weatherly Debate on Baptismal Formula Debates 09_Weatherly_1_Aff_Bapt_Form.mp3
10/09/08 Baptismal Formula - Thursday Night - First Negative Bruce Reeves Debate Reeves / Weatherly Debate on Baptismal Formula Debates 10_Reeves_1_Neg_Bapt_Form.mp3
10/09/08 Baptismal Formula - Thursday Night - Second Affirmative Jason Weatherly Debate Reeves / Weatherly Debate on Baptismal Formula Debates 11_Weatherly_2_Aff_Bapt_Form.mp3
10/09/08 Baptismal Formula - Thursday Night - Second Negative Bruce Reeves Debate Reeves / Weatherly Debate on Baptismal Formula Debates 12_Reeves_2_Neg_Bapt_Form.mp3

Displaying 2351 - 2375 of 2415

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